MSPB Appeal Lawyers To Help Federal Employees In Their Appeal
Assuming you have an appeal right, you can challenge any adverse-action from a 15-day suspension to a removal. Usually you have only 30 days to appeal an adverse action (suspension of 15 days or more) or a performance-action. Some statutes have different filing deadlines.
The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) usually does not handle discrimination cases as this is primarily done by the EEOC.
However, when an adverse employment action falls within the jurisdiction of the MSPB, it can hear the claim through a mixed case. To draft an in depth appeal you can always seek the help of an experienced MSPB appeal lawyers.

MSPB reviews the following type of cases:
- Removal
- Long-term suspension (over 14 days)
- Reductions in pay or grade
- Denials of promotion
- Reductions in force
- Involuntary transfers
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