“How much money is my schedule award worth?”

“How much money is my schedule award worth?” I get this question all the time. Having said that, I can’t always answer this question right away. I can’t even give a great estimate much of the time. Here is why: Let’s say you have a...

OWCP Claims Examiner and QR codes

In 2018, OWCP changed their rules so the names of claims examiners would no longer be on decisions or any letters going to claimants or representatives. The idea behind this was to increase their privacy. However, claimants and representatives have an interest in...

Government Shutdown 2018/2019

As of right now, OWCP is fully funded through 2019 so there should not be an effect on OWCP duties. So the shutdown should not affect claims examiner hours, schedule award payments, loss of earning payments, etc.

Bad information from your Agency and others

I periodically get told from client and potential clients, that HR, a supervisor, or a friend tells them something that is contradictory to what I say as an attorney about OWCP or other legal matters. While I do not get offended when the employee believes someone else...

Who calls an OWCP attorney?

I get multiple calls from federal employees every day who are trying to figure out whether they need an attorney or not. In an ideal world, none of these employees would need attorneys. OWCP was supposed to set up federal workers compensation system where an attorney...